La Fisioestetica come risposta a sovrappeso e obesità

Anyone dealing with overweight or obesity knows that the extra pounds are not only aesthetic enemies but also seriously jeopardize our health.

Overweight and obesity can lead to various metabolic disorders, such as diabetes, dyslipidemia, and hyperuricemia, as well as cardiovascular risks like stroke and heart attacks. Furthermore, there are musculoskeletal and joint-related disorders associated with the lower back segment of the spine.

Qual è il modo migliore per tenere sotto controllo il peso corporeo?

The answer seems obvious: diet and regular physical activity . However, there's something more that helps stimulate weight loss: therapeutic massage.

The important premise is that there are no "weight loss massages." There are treatments that, thanks to their toning and firming action, can boost basal metabolism and assist in the weight loss process while preventing the formation of wrinkles and imperfections due to weight loss.

This is the fundamental role of physioesthetic therapy.

La fisioestetica associa la fisioterapia alla medicina estetica. Attraverso tecniche non invasive atte a innescare la normale fisiologia del corpo umano, la fisioestetica ne migliora il funzionamento biologico e lo riporta alla sua naturale bellezza.

I trattamenti possono avere diverse finalità: snellenti, anticellulite, drenanti, rassodanti, tonificanti, anti-aging e trattamenti pre e post operatori (drenaggio di edemi, riassorbimento di ematomi, cicatrizzazione, ecc.).

Fisioesthetics identifies the deeper physio-structural causes of aesthetic issues, diseases, and aging processes, involving a broader spectrum of a person's health and well-being, and delivering long-term benefits.

As mentioned earlier, overweight and obesity can cause significant damage to the musculoskeletal system. In advanced stages, the risk of disc herniation and vertebral fractures is very high. Weight overload, however, not only affects the spine but also the lower joints, such as the knees, ankles, and even the plantar arch. Coxarthrosis, which refers to arthritis of the hip joints, is a common condition in individuals with long-standing overweight and obesity, as is gonarthrosis, which affects the knee joints. Increased body mass leads to the development of flat feet, associated with heel valgus and forefoot pronation.

Tutto ciò contribuisce a fare appoggiare al suolo porzioni del piede che non sono fisiologicamente preposte ad accogliere carichi e a sopportare sollecitazioni e alla lunga la sintomatologia dolorosa e l’impotenza funzionale sono gli elementi clinici di più comune riscontro.

How can I assist you further?

We can work together to identify the path that best suits you and your body's history in order to restore your psycho-physical balance and well-being.

With the right dietary regimen, designed by a specialized nutritionist specifically for you, based on your metabolism, any medical conditions, your age, and other personal characteristics, and with the correct physioesthetic therapy, I can help you regain your well-being and happiness.

Stella Maris Glowinski

Call me for a consultation!
